Himanshu Oberoi

Lead developer & Devops Engineer

Himanshu had a crush on software’s since he saw one working in his childhood. As a lead developer, he used all his learnings to ensure that Oscar remains an extra ordinary, secure and stable software suit. Not only he participated as a developer for Oscar but he did ensure continuous integration and deployment. he played a role of both, Devops engineer and lead software developer. Himanshu believes in continuous learning and is always eager to try different things. Apart from his professional commitments, Himanshu is also vey much into music. He plays a bunch of musical instruments and loves to explore.

Meet the Team

Marcus Tzaferis

Founder & CEO

Justin Turner

Principal Broker

Sandu Rajapakse


Phil Edwards

Senior Underwriter

San Yun Han

Director of Commercial Finance

Tawhida Hoque

General Manager

Neil Oman

Investment Administrator

Jason Gaudette

Mortgage Agent Level 2

Amir Radovic

Customer Relationship Manager

Matthew Scanlan

Digital Producer

Lisa Nguyen


Anastasia Skoubouris

Mortgage Agent Level 1

Phil Carvalho

Director of Retail Investments

Nurul Ferdous

Full Stack Engineer, Head of AI

Sifan Ovi

Senior Software Engineer

Sarvat Khan

Developer and QA Specialist



Bibin Little

Product Designer & UI/UX Expert

Deena David 

Digital Marketer

Sidhanth Povil

Senior Web Developer