Why Cannect?

We have your long term finances in mind

Mortgage Rate Toronto

The only thing that will remain constant is uncertainty in the market. Will mortgage rates go up? Should you lock into a fixed rate now? Variable rate mortgages (VRM) aren't for the feint of heart, but a VRM will probably save you some money over the next few years, if you choose the right one and protect your interests. For example, make sure you set your amortization schedule properly in case rates go up. And pay attention to the indicators so you can identify the right time to switch to a fixed rate mortgage, or work with a mortgage broker (like us!) who will do this for you.

We always have your long term savings in mind

We'll work with you to consolidate long-term financing into the most flexible and cost effective lending, so you're not trapped with costly and inflexible long term debt. In fact, if it costs less for you to refinance your current mortgage than to do a home equity loan, we'll let you know.

Ready to get started?

or call us at 416.766.9000

Don't need a quote today?

Sign up for your personalized property value report so you'll know your options when it's time to borrow or renegotiate your mortgage.

Know your equity. Know your options