Embarking on an investment journey with the Cannect of earning from day one is an enticing proposition. While traditional wisdom often advocates patience for long-term gains, there are strategic approaches that can yield immediate returns. In this article, we’ll explore actionable strategies to help you start earning profits right from the day you make your investment.
Real estate has long been a lucrative investment, and with the rise of real estate crowdfunding platforms, earning from day one becomes more feasible. Invest in real estate projects where returns can be realized quickly, either through rental income or property appreciation.
Peer-to-peer lending platforms connect investors with borrowers, providing an avenue for immediate returns through interest payments. By diversifying your investments across various loans, you can mitigate risks and start earning a steady income from day one.
With the Cannect Mortgage Investment Corporation, you can earn on your investment from day 1!
How is this possible?
Cannect doesn’t pay any financial advisors commissions to bring investors on board. Other MICs spend up to 5% of an investment to onboard an investor. These costs are passed along to our investors in extra dividends. By working harder to communicate directly with our investors and waiting to grow our fund slowly using word of mouth, we are able to maximize the risk-return profile of our fund.
This means more of the return coming from our mortgage investments goes into your pockets. It also means when we see a great borrower with a risk-free mortgage investment opportunity, we can share the savings with them to secure the loan opportunity.
Finally, and most importantly, it means that we know our investors well and they know us well. Not a lot of fund companies make an effort to communicate with their investors on a regular basis. Our investors are the backbone of our business, so providing them with full transparency will always be a top priority.