Our investors

When you think about it, we have a very special relationship. You have entrusted us with your money. You looked around at all of your investing options and selected us. That will never be forgotten.

Everything we do at Cannect is designed with one singular focus: to constantly reduce the amount of risk required to create a stable and consistent return for you, our investor. And we take this job very seriously.

What sets us apart? Why have we been able to continually lead our competitors? I think it comes down to the four main pillars of our business.

1. Our people

Without a team of hard working, trustworthy and knowledgeable staff, Cannect would be unable to accomplish its lofty goals each month. Our team regularly communicates with Investors and borrowers to ensure each mortgage is treated with urgency and both Investors and borrowers are treated with the respect they deserve. When you consider our track record of having no losses in our portfolio since inception, it is important to recognize that an accomplishment like this is a direct result of having the right people treating each deal with care and properly understanding risk.

2. Our technology

We have created a world-class technology solution with our in-house platform: Oscar Intelligence. In the coming months, you will likely hear more about how we are using Oscar to automate more of the lending process. Using our in-house technology, we are able to assess risk levels on prospective mortgages using automation and intelligence that is simply not available to our competitors. This lets us fund mortgages faster and, therefore, access deals that have lower risk and higher returns. The time sensitivity of capital requirements should never be underestimated. It creates a premium for us that increases our returns to you, our Investor, without impacting the risk profile of our portfolio.

3. Our borrowers

Our ability to attract good borrowers also sets Cannect apart. Our portfolio Loan-to-Value ratio and 0% loss rate are testament to the fact that we only work with borrowers we know we can help. Cannect’s value proposition to its borrowers is different from most lenders operating in the mortgage lending space. Cannect uses its own advertising – online, print, television, radio, and outdoor – to reach and engage its borrowers directly. We work to convey to our borrowers that with Cannect, they are borrowing money to help them reduce their total borrowing costs in the future.

The Canadian mortgage market has changed dramatically over the past 10 years. At Cannect we use our market knowledge and lender buying power to meet our borrowers’ near term financial needs while preparing them to borrow from lower cost lenders in the future. We lend our customers the money they need to fix their credit, cover expenses while they look for a job, repair a home that a bank won’t consider for a mortgage, or help out a self-employed borrower. At the same time, we work to reposition their mortgage application to a prospective lower cost lender. By sourcing the right borrowers directly and not through third party mortgage brokerages, we control the lending opportunities we see and the investments we make on your behalf.

4. Our investors

That’s you! The direct relationship we have with you is important to us and it is a critical part of our success. When you invested in Cannect, you did it yourself. No one led you to us. You were probably referred from one of our existing Investors or you know someone who works here. Cannect doesn’t pay anyone to source Investors. No amount of our returns is paid as a trailer fee or finder’s fee for someone to convince you to invest with us. We communicate directly with you to keep you informed as to what is happening in our portfolio. We have our Investor BBQ each year and are always standing by to answer your questions over the phone.

We work tirelessly for you, and you deserve it. We know you have lots of options when it comes to investing. Our commitment to you is that we will never stop working to keep your money safe and build returns that will help you plan for your future.

This month Cannect has posted a return of 8.43%, with an industry-leading Loan-to-Value of 50.7%. That means that based on our current estimates of the value of the properties on which we have lent your money, the total amount of all mortgages held on those properties is about half of the total value of all those properties. This gives us great comfort on the status of all the investments made through the MIC and we hope it provides you the same level of comfort as it relates to your investment. In addition, dating all the way back to the MIC’s inception in April 2013, we have posted returns over 7% in each and every month during that time.

We have plenty of amazing opportunities ahead and we look forward to continuing to serve you.

Marcus Tzaferis

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