6 Points you need to know about Deferred Mortgage Payment Programs for Covid-19

6 Points you need to know about Deferred Mortgage Payment Programs for Covid-19

In these unprecedented times, the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has rippled through various aspects of our lives, including financial stability. For homeowners facing challenges, understanding Deferred Mortgage Payment Programs is crucial. In this SEO-friendly blog post, we’ll delve into six essential points to guide you through these programs and help you make informed decisions during these uncertain times.Empower with key insights on managing your mortgage during COVID-19. Learn key insights on eligibility, credit impact and long-term implications with Cannect


1.There is no guarantee.

Your bank or lender has the right to expect timely mortgage payments. Mortgage deferment programs are available at the discretion of your lender; to qualify, you must demonstrate financial hardship.

2. This is Interest Accrual, not Interest Forgiveness

Banks will not forgive your mortgage because of COVID-19. You are still obligated to pay it back. Deferred payments just drag down the repayment process and add more interest to the interest you already pay. Any amount you choose not to pay now will be added to your principle balance, and interest will be charged on the total balance in the future. Remember, the bank is not your buddy or mother; the bank reports to its shareholders, and profit is its top priority.

3. You will have to prove true financial hardship.

While COVID-19 does produce dread and uneasiness,. Anxiety and concern about your financial future are insufficient grounds for a mortgage deferral. This program is intended for those who are in desperate need and have no other options. The bank will want to go into your accounts to make sure you don’t have enough assets to cover your mortgage payments. So, anyone thinking about skipping a few mortgage payments to invest in the stock market should reconsider.

4. This will not hurt your credit score, but.

When your mortgage deferment is approved by a lender, it is not considered a missed payment. This will not be reflected on your credit report. However, keep in mind that lenders will maintain track of their highest-risk consumers. Borrowers who are easily impacted by COVID 19 may have difficulty convincing lenders of their borrowing capacity in the future.

5. You have to take the lead in the process

If you believe you will miss a payment or are unsure, contact your lender ahead of time to discuss your choices. It is your obligation to make arrangements or qualify for mortgage payment deferral.

6.You have options

Before you panic, consider all of your alternatives. Lenders can refinance your mortgage, restore your original amortization and lower your payment, hold a payment or offer you a cheaper payment for a set amount of time. Finally, if your first mortgage lender denied your application for COVID 19 relief, you may be eligible to borrow from a second mortgage lender to bridge the gap during a particularly difficult period.

Remember that the banks are not doing this out of altruism. This is a deliberate strategy for reducing defaults while still earning cash.


If you can use a Home Equity Line of Credit instead, do so.

Analyze all available credit sources and identify the cheapest pockets to use right now; if that means deferring your mortgage payment so you can pay off your credit cards, do it!

To learn more, Contact Us Now

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